Many car owners don’t realize that their car is one of their biggest financial liabilities.
Not only do you have to spend a ton of money to buy a car in the first place. According to a study by Edmonds, the average price of a new car is over $36,000.
Cars are super expensive to operate and maintain as well. In fact, AAA reports that the average cost to drive a sedan 15,000 miles each year is over $9,000, when you factor in expenses like gas, insurance, and repairs. That’s a trunkload of money!
In this post, you will learn some simple ways to keep your car repair bills as low as possible. Let’s go!
Best Ways to Save On Car Repairs
1. Buy a reliable car
If you absolutely need to purchase a car, do your homework first and only buy a car that has top-notch reliability ratings. The more reliable your car is, the less money you’ll have to pay for repairs.
That means it’s probably not a good idea to purchase the sleek luxury car you have always wanted. As a rule of thumb, the more expensive and complicated the car, the more money it will cost to fix it.
In a recent Consumer Reports study, you can read about the 10 most reliable cars for an idea of which make and model might be right for you.
When you drive a reliable car out of the gate, you are likely to save thousands of dollars in repairs over time.
2. Find a good mechanic that you trust
When its time to get your car fixed, don’t just stop by any random shop. Do some research first.
Do any of your friends or relatives have a mechanic that they like and trust? What do the shop’s online reviews look like?
Also, be sure to call around to at least three shops for an estimate of what the repair will cost. You might be shocked at the price differences that you find.
Finding a trustworthy mechanic can save you thousands of dollars over the life of your car. On the other hand, a dishonest mechanic can easily cost you several thousand extra dollars.
3. Ditch your unreliable car
You may be emotionally attached to your precious ride, but if it’s draining your wallet, it might be time to say goodbye. Use the money you get from selling it to put down toward a more reliable car.
Switching from an unreliable car to a reliable one might even pay for itself over the course of a few years.
4. Be safe out there
It’s also important to avoid getting speeding tickets, or getting into accidents, because these things can cause your insurance rates to spike. Tickets and auto collision repairs are also huge wastes of money.
Here’s to saving money on your car repairs and finding a reliable car that suits your needs.