Affordable housing, which is also called public housing, is a term for U.S. government-backed properties that are available to lower-income people and families who cannot otherwise afford to pay their rent or mortgage bills. It’s called “affordable” because the cost to live in these properties is generally lower than than the average property in an area. (And in some cases, it costs nothing to live in these units).
If you are struggling to make ends meet, or if you are unemployed for an extended period of time, you might qualify for affordable housing.
Affordable Housing: An Overview
Affordable housing is controlled by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development or HUD for short. The goal of the program is to ensure that all people living in the United States have a safe place to live. Most residents of HUD properties tend to be low-income individuals and families, disabled, or elderly.
HUD is a federally funded program, and as with SNAP benefits and welfare benefits, each state has its own agency that manages the public housing in that state. When it comes to affordable housing, the office that manages it is going to be your local Housing Authority. Therefore, if you want to apply for affordable housing, you’ll first have to find the office nearest to you.
Once that’s done, your local state agency will review your application, and if you qualify, they will assign an affordable home in your area.
Who Is Eligible For Affordable Housing?
Public affordable housing is intended for people who are struggling, so income limits apply. If you have a good job and don’t have to worry about paying the bills each month, you probably won’t be eligible.
The cost of living varies widely in the U.S., so each state and county area has its own income limit. View the income limits in your area by following this link. Then enter your state and county.
As a general rule of thumb, if you earn less than 80% of the median family income in your area, you are considered to have low income, and you might qualify for housing. If you earn 50% or less than the average income, you are considered to have very low income or extremely low income. It also depends on how many family members live in your household.
What Types of Affordable Housing Programs Are There?
- Affordable Rental Housing. These units are offered at discounted rates to low-income families. The way it works is that your rent payments are subsidized by the government, which means that they pay for a portion of the cost.
- Housing Choice Voucher Program. Formerly known as Section 8 housing, the Housing Choice Voucher Program provides housing payment assistance, in the form of vouchers, to very low-income families, elderly people, and disabled people. A big benefit of the voucher program is that you sometimes get to pick the area where you can live. Learn more about the program.
- Public Housing. Public housing units are owned and controlled by the state where you live. Over 1.2 million households live in public housing in the U.S. Learn more about how public housing works.
- Rent Payment Help. If your rent is due, and you simply have no money left to cover it, you can apply for immediate financial assistance from your state housing finance agency. You can also apply for rent payment help through your local public housing authority (PHA) and local social services agency.
Affordable Housing For All
As you can see, there are a ton of affordable housing options out there. It all depends on your unique situation. How much money you make, how big your household size is, and where you live, all factor into whether or not you qualify.
Contact your local housing authority to learn what options are available to you.