TANF is a form of financial assistance that the U.S. government gives to families in need. TANF stands for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, and those who qualify are eligible to receive financial support, job training, child care support, and other benefits.
If you are considering applying for TANF benefits, or if you’re already getting them, it’s important to understand how the program works. Let’s take a look at five things about TANF that everyone needs to know.
5 Things You Need to Know About TANF
1. TANF only provides temporary assistance
TANF is not designed to provide long-term financial support for families. Instead, it is designed to help families that are struggling to support children for short periods of time.
If you need long-term financial support, you will have to look into other welfare programs, such as public housing assistance, Medicaid, and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
2. TANF benefits are handed out through local state agencies
If you want to apply for TANF benefits, you will have to do so through your local social services agency. That’s because each state in the U.S. has it’s own system for reviewing TANF applications, determining whose eligible, and administering benefits. Find your local TANF agency here.
3. Non-citizens must live in the U.S. for five years to qualify
It is the U.S. government’s policy that non-citizens must live in the country for five years before they can get TANF benefits. However, if a child is living in the home, the family may still be eligible for TANF, even if the parents or guardians have been living in the country for less than five years.
4. TANF recipients must be working or seeking work
The federal government requires that for a state to be eligible for TANF assistance, at least 50% of cash assistance recipients must be working. In two-parent households, the general requirement is that 90% of the recipients must be working for at least 35 hours each week.
If you want to receive TANF aid, or if you are currently receiving, make sure to follow your state’s work requirements. If you are unsure of what those are, ask your local agency.
5. TANF is not easy to get
Studies show that far fewer people are getting TANF aid now than when the program was formed in 1996. In fact, when the program was started, 68 out of every 100 families living in poverty were receiving TANF assistance. In 2018, that number shrank to only 22 families out of every 100 living in poverty. On top of that, there are reports that TANF does not pay enough money to those in need.
Looking Ahead
If you need TANF aid to help pay for your family’s food or shelter, don’t hesitate to apply. But remember that it’s not easy to get, and it’s more of a bandaid solution. Look into other programs like SNAP if you need long-term assistance.
Also, the best way to help your family financially is to get a good job. While this is easier said than done, there are job training programs out there that you can find. For more information about job resources and how to get job training, check out the U.S. Department of Labor’s website.