College grants are a great way to receive financial aid because you don’t have to pay them back.
If you’re looking to go back to school to further your education and advance your career, take a look below to see how to get education grants.
Free Application For Financial Aid (FAFSA)
Both federal and state governments give out education grants. The first step is to fill out the FAFSA form to see if you are eligible.
Once you finish and send in your FAFSA, the colleges will be able to determine how much financial aid you qualify for. Make sure you have submitted it on time, as there will be a deadline.
Remember to gather your family’s tax information while completing the FAFSA form.
Colleges will then contact you with information about your FAFSA. They will tell you how much aid you qualify for. This could come in the form of work-study programs, federal student loans, or other financial aid.
Grant Payments
Education grants usually come in two separate payments. These are called disbursements.
Colleges will apply these disbursements towards your tuition, other school fees, and if you live on campus, room and board costs.
Any grant money left over after these expenses will be sent directly to you.
It’s important to note that grants aren’t guaranteed for your entire time in school. Grants are usually based on financial need, or earned through your academic performance.
If your family’s financial situation changes during your time in college, the grants you are receiving could change based on that.
Types of Grants
Federal Pell Grant — Mostly given to undergraduate students, based on financial need, the school’s tuition cost, and other factors.
TEACH Grant — Students who agree to teach in an in-demand field for four years in an elementary school can receive this grant.
Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant — Given to low-income students who are in particular need for financial aid.
Academic Competitiveness Grants — Given to students on Federal Pell Grants that have completed advanced studies in their high school.
Grants For International Students
Grants are available for international students as well.
These grants are not as widely available as ones for domestic students, but you’re still encouraged to apply.
The Fulbright Program is an international exchange program run by the U.S. government. This is the first place to look for international students looking for education grants in the U.S.
This program encourages cultural and educational exchange between Americans and people all over the world.