If you and your family are under financial strain, you must know that there are a lot of government assistance programs and grants that are specifically made for people like you. You can apply to some of these programs if you’re looking for help with financial hardship.
Immediate Aid
If you’re in financial difficulty and can’t afford food to satisfy your hunger, you can give a call at USDA’s National Hunger hotline —866-3-HUNGRY (866-348-6479). This hotline will connect you with government programs, emergency food providers, and social service agencies. The hotline operates from Monday to Friday (7 AM to 10 PM – Eastern time).
Lost Wages Assistance (LWA) Program
LWA was created from the joint efforts of the State and the Federal government for people who have lost their jobs and are currently in financial hardship. The program provides up to $400 to eligible candidates as unemployment benefits.
LWA provides partial wages to those people who are not financially stable and are unemployed until they are rehired or find another job. It also helps these people to look for new employment opportunities and choose a new career path.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
TANF aims to provide temporary assistance to needy families and looks to help them get back on their feet. Those who are eligible for this program and have qualified receive help in the form of food, housing, energy, job training, and child care. TANF’s ultimate motive is to make these people independent and provide job training and education to people to achieve this. TANF also provides specific help for children in need.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
To help the elderly in financial strains, the Federal government of the USA designed this program. The program is administered by Social Security. SSI was carefully designed to meet the fundamental needs of blind, old, or disabled elderly people who have little to no income and are in financial hardship.
SSI gives a monthly payment to its qualified candidates to help them with shelter, food, water, and clothing. To be eligible for SSI, you have to be:
● Above 65 years in age, blind, and/or disabled.
● Having a limited income with limited resources.
● Be a citizen of the United States of America or fall into the category of an alien.
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits
People who are unable to work for at least one year owing to a medical condition or who are likely to die as a result of that illness are eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits. These are the members of the society that are in severe financial hardships due to their inability to work. To qualify, you must:
● Have worked in a job covered by Social Security and fall into Social Security’s definition of disability.
● Have worked long enough to qualify for the program.
Final Thoughts
If you think you’re eligible for any of the above-mentioned financial aid programs, it would be best if you applied to them. Your government cares for you, and it’s about time you know that.