Where To Find Housing Assistance?

Housing nowadays is a majorly observed problem due to the increase in population and extension of families. Along with the rise in rents of every house and apartment, it is challenging for people to find a perfect home for themselves at reasonable prices. Listed below are some of the housing assistance programs offered in the United States.

COVID-19 Rental Assistance

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the government enforced an eviction moratorium to ease the residents from a load of hefty house rents.
Emergency rental assistance program for renters and landlords
It is a program by which renters and landlords can use the ERA emergency rental assistance database to get rental guidance and assistance. They can get guidance from approved housing counselors or authentic renter pages such as HUD, London City Hall, Tenant Resource Center, and The Aspen Institute etc.

Find emergency housing by using HUD’s Find Shelter Tool or call 211.

Housing Choice Voucher Program (Formerly Section 8)

It gives you information about the eligibility requirements, how one can apply, and where to file housing complaints. It is basically a Housing and Urban Development program, which helps low-income families, senior citizens, and disabled people pay for their rent in the best and most accessible way.

Eligibility criteria;
● Annual gross income should not exceed more than 50% of the median income for the country or metropolitan area.
● US citizen or immigration status

How to Get Help Paying Your Rent

Assistance for veterans

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers the HUD-VASH for homeless veterans and also provides a fixed rental subsidy to low-income vets for up to two years.

Assistance for seniors

The Eldercare Locator is a free service that can connect you with resources and programs designed to help seniors in your area.
Assistance for rural areas and their people;
Local Rural Development (RD) offices can help rural residents through the Rural Housing Service.

Public Housing

It is helpful for all those that are unable to buy a home for themselves. It extends its services to include singles, senior citizens, and disabled people from urban to rural and even low to high income.

The HUD and PHA also administer public Housing schemes. This includes all rental and affordable houses & apartments. You can choose from getting a single-room home, a decent apartment , or even a luxury house.
Since the demand for public housing is often more significant than the amount of housing available to HUD and the local PHA, long waiting periods are standard. A PHA may close its waiting list when more families are on the list than can be assisted in the near future.

Disabled, seniors housing and resources;
For disabled people, public housing programs, rental assistance and subsidized programs are beneficial. NED vouchers help people (other than senior citizens) with a disability get housing in an area under development.
The housing choice voucher program provides a supportive housing scheme for the elderly. Plus, HUD and elderly resource locators are beneficial for low-income and disabled senior citizens of the US.

To put it in a nutshell, if you want some help in financing a house, your government is ready to provide you with the necessary assistance, you only have to meet the eligibility criteria!
