Free Unclaimed Money Resources

This article will go over easy ways you can search for unclaimed money at no cost. Alot of the time when you search for unclaimed money you’re going to find a bunch of websites and vendors that want to charge you. 

But keep reading below to learn about free and easy to use unclaimed money websites, many of them being officially backed by the United States government. 

Top Unclaimed Money Resources

Internal Revenue Service (IRS) website

On the official IRS website, you can search for tax refunds that you might be eligible for. The best part about working with IRS resources is that they are 100% free. You can even contact the IRS directly if you get confused during your online search. 

FDIC Closed Banks Listings

When a bank closes, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is responsible for overseeing and distributing any remaining deposits and assets to the rightful owners.

For example, let’s say you opened up a savings account back in your hometown, many years ago. You forgot about the account because you didn’t have much money in there, and the bank closed a few years back.

In most cases, you are still entitled to reclaim the money from your old bank account. Visit the FDIC’s Unclaimed Funds website to see if your bank is on there. 

NAUPA Website 

The National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators (NAUPA) is a non-profit organization that oversees unclaimed property throughout the U.S. Using their free search tool, you can search for unclaimed property of all types, including cashier’s checks, traveler’s checks, personal checks, stocks, safe deposit box contents, and more. 

It’s Waiting For you

Now that you know about some top free tools you can use to search for your unclaimed funds, the next step is getting out there to see what you can find.
